Welcome to my blog “All Sorrows Borne.” The title is from a quote by Isak Dinesen “All sorrows can be borne if you tell them in a story or tell a story about them.”
“My beloved uncle died unexpectedly from a heart attack, and I am isolated hundreds of miles away,” a young woman told me in our video counseling session last week. “What are we supposed to do? Only 10 of the family members come to the service and …
It is a story often repeated this time of year. The three magi come from the east, following a star to find the Christ child. When they find Him they worship Him and present three gifts – gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Theologians and Bible …
A woman whose spouse recently died stated her goal for coming to therapy: “I do not want to cry every time someone asks me how I am doing. I am a very private person, and it embarrasses me when tears flow and I am in a public place with
Many years ago, I was a consultant at a school where a kindergarten student had died. The parents of the other classmates wanted help as they helped their own children process the tragedy.

Getting Grief Right
by Dr. Patrick O'Malley
A masterpiece that will touch your heart and soul with healing powers. • A compassionate, wise, and practical guide • A must read for anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one.

Grief Therapist
Dr. Patrick O’Malley is a psychotherapist in Fort Worth, Texas, who specializes in grief counseling. For 40 years, he has counseled individuals, couples and families
in his private practice.
Getting Grief Right
by Dr. Patrick O'Malley
By the time Mary came to see me, six months after losing her daughter to sudden infant death syndrome, she had hired and fired two other therapists. She was trying to get her grief right...